Sunday, July 19, 2015

things that happen;

Some things are meant to happen. It's incredible and intriguing how everything works, the way things work. Something really unexpected happened to me. This story is about a boy, a boy I used to like a lot, and the one who became very distant from me.

I haven't properly talked to him for almost 3 years now, because a lot of things ocurred while we tried to work our friendship out; and I think both of us couldn't put our pride aside to say something to each other again.

I went to some friend's graduation, and I wasn't aware that he was going to be there, because it was his graduation too. He had to talk and when he did, I simply listened to him. I was surprised, he was way more mature than he was before.

The whole event ended, my mom wanted to leave and I was having a hard time deciding if I should leave, or at least say something to him.

I stayed with my dad a little longer, watching people congratulate him, hug him.

I was going to leave, I promise. But my dad stood up and decided to walk near him at the exact moment he was picking up his stuff from his seat. I walked by his side, and I don't know what happened to my body. I couldn't keep walking, I just couldn't. I turned and stared at him. He stared at me. He smiled and I smiled.

And we both knew. We knew what was about to happen, what had to happen.

He said: "Hi" and he was about to give me a kiss on my cheek, but I hugged him. I simply said: "Congratulations on your graduation" but there were so many things I wanted to say, so many questions I wanted to ask; I was tongue-tied. He hugged me tighter and I knew he understood what I was thinking, there was no need for words.

In the moment we were about to say something my dad came and congratulate him too. We smiled once more and I left.

At some point this had to happen, I knew we couldn't just fade away from each other's lives.

It was like the universe was telling us to be friends again, to fix things and to stop being so immature.

Things like this happen to everyone of us everyday. We meet people, we find a job, we get into a certain college because we have to.

I'm sure something wonderful expects us in every situation.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

be yourself;

In my sixteen years, I can’t really say I’ve lived that much or that I have achieved a great level of experience. But I’ve seen and I’ve felt the strong influence society has on its members, people. Specially, on the most vulnerable species, we could call it like that.

I’d like to quote a part of a lyric I like. “In a hateful world, people would rather die than be who they are”

It’s really sad because it’s true. We can see, we can perceive that natural is overrated; plastic and fake runs and rules everything right now.

How many of us, has not been once not happy with our own body. We see people getting surgeries for almost everything. Most of them, a great majority only do it because of beauty. I remember something my mom told me once, people who get a surgery won’t just stay there, if they can not accept one simple apparent flaw, they will find when they aren’t, more and more flaws. They will never be happy with how they look.

Another quote I would like tor refer to is: Love yourself first so no has to. When you take a psychological test there’s always this question that says “Describe yourself” We are afraid of this, and we stare at the blank page and we think that a physics or a math test would be easier to answer than that question.

That just shows how much we know about ourselves. We can’t say I’m gonna be myself, or be yourself if we don’t even know who we are.

We can’t get to love ourselves if we don’t start by knowing ourselves. We are our first own best friend. We should analyze our feelings, the things that makes us happy, sad, angry. We should look for things that could make us improve as a person, as a human, and throw away people, things that makes us miserable, unhappy. We should be pointing what’s positive about us, instead of criticizing ourselves all the time. It’s a destructive way to treat yourself.

In order to accept ourselves is releasing other’s opinions away. Most of the things we have come to believe of us, have no real fundament.

Now, for being the best ourselves we can be there’s an example. A great example from nature, its this little flower, the lotus flower.

It’s a really special flower to me, for it’s meaning. The lotus flower is known and admired in some religions and cultures. And the basic meaning of it it’s purity.

The process of how it’s born it’s what makes this flower so special. You see, this flower grows in muddy, dirty water. She emerges from it. That's what it gave it the meaning. She rises and blooms above the dirt, becoming an enlightening flower.

We are those little flowers, we are so beautiful and we can just shine on the dirt. We have to be different, act like ourselves, be the difference for once, show the world that no matter the problems, their bad influence we can be like that little flower that provides beauty to its surroundings. We can be the best of ourselves when we share the love we have achieves to feel for each one of us, being nice with people, being helpful. Treating people just like we want them to treat us. We have to remember that what goes around comes back around, we get what we give.

If we could share all our positive thinking about life, if we could think about how we make feel people, the world could change, for real.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

your choices, your happiness, your life;

There were many times when I wanted to accomplish, or do things to satisfy others. This is a very common thing among people. We get the wrong idea that if we do something people like, or approve, it's okay. If they don't, we must be doing something wrong.

People shouldn't dictate the way we think, or the way we act. If we live by this rule, at the end we will be miserable. We will never do something because we feel like doing it. We will act like robots, with no other purpose but to satisfy others.

It's our lives. We do things for our own happiness, and if we make mistakes, it's fine, we move on and promise ourselves we'll never do them again. The bad or good consequences our actions bring come back to us and no one else. It won't affect others.

The people we were trying to impress won't suffer a bit from our consequences. We'll do.

Think more about yourself, your happiness. If you try to make someone else happy, instead of yourself first. You'll never be truly happy, it will be a momentary satisfaction, but nothing else. Nothing durable.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

books bucket list.

Reading is something I found enjoyable. I might not be the main character on a story, but I actually feel like I'm there, wandering around, meeting the characters and being connected emotionally with them.

Reading is a pleasurable trip to somewhere you don't recognize, but at the same time is familiar to you. Is like your body is right here, on reality, but your soul is in the book. Words are the most powerful way humans have found to express themselves, not even spoken words can compare to the power, or the ability words have to teach, convince, and give the truth about things.

I love books. I do. I'm one of the few people who prefer to read the book instead of watching the movie first.

I've always been surrounded by books, in my house we have something like a a library that my mom has compiled all over the years, for what I'm really thankful for. She taught me to love books.

Recently, I made a list of books I want to read and books I have already read.

- The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
- It's Kind of a Funny Story.
- The Maze Runner.
- The Scorch Trials.
- The Death Cure.
- The Fault in our Stars.
- Looking for Alaska.
- Pride and Prejudice.
- An Abundance of Katherines.
- Paper Towns.
- Will Grayson, Will Grayson.
- Shadows.
- The Notebook.
- The Guardian.
- Beautiful Creatures.
- Delirium.
- Divergent.
- Insurgent.
- Shatter Me.
- Destroy Me.
- Unravel Me.
- By these Ten Bones.
- Partials.
- Fangirl.
- Pure.

There are more books I'll discover and some I might missed in the list, but there's still time. Live is not endless, but it's enough for me to make some things, such as read.

Monday, January 6, 2014

a new year, a new start.

Another year has been given to us. Another opportunity to change and make amends. A year where our lives could change forever.

A new year is always exciting for everyone. We all find ourselves thinking about what are we going to do in this year, and what this year has prepared for us. We make goals and plans. We decide to change.

That's an important thing. Changing. But changing for the better, always for the better. And persevere, because we can make as many goals and promises as we want. But, if we don't decide to start doing it, the promises will be just that. Promises. Those promises have to be turned into achievements. That's the only way to success.

We can make a change, a difference, only if we want to. It's in our own hands, and in no one else's to do it. We should see this new year as a gift, as an opportunity. As a new and fresh start.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

bad days;

It just happens. We wake up one day and we feel bothered by something, someone or the world itself. The food doesn't taste well, the weather isn't nice, our least favorite teacher seems to be in one of his/ her "days" of the month. We start to wonder if all the people are in some kind of conspiracy to ruin our day, like they have planned this for days and they are actually recording this "master plan" of theirs on tape, making us the protagonists of it.

On those days, we feel so angry, sad, tired, frustrated, that we don't want to talk to anyone. In those moments the last thing we would want to do is socialize.

We should always remember that it gets better. It always gets better. This might sound cliché but it's true. It's us and our attitude that could change and turn the whole situation around. If we decide that something will ruin the rest of our day, of our week. I promise you, it will.

It's interesting how our thoughts can influence in what could happen to us. It's a really simple rule, if we think negatively, we will attract negative situations. If we think positively, positive things will happen to us.

I completely understand that things won't always go as expected and we will feel frustrated about them. We are humans, that's what we do, we have feelings. Now, if you don't have feelings at all, that is something to worry about.

We need to learn how to have a positive attitude even if things seem bad. We need to know that everything has a solution, there's always a way out of a problem, we just need to calm down, breath and think, not act impulsively. Things won't get any better if we act like that.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


I personally think it happened, and it happens to all the people who live on this planet. Especially to us, teenagers.

We all have had that someone who we want to look good for, that someone who makes our hearts skip a beat one in a while and we suddenly become nervous when that person is around. In my case I'd get so nervous, I wouldn't want him to see me. Ask me why? I don't even know the proper answer for that yet. I guess that's the kind of stupid things we do when we are "in love".

You see, I had a crush once, and even though it sounds like it was centuries ago, it wasn't. I was completely mesmerized with this guy, we could say he had the whole pack. He played on the basketball team, he had a charming smile, beautiful green eyes, but trust me, nothing and no one can be that perfect. There's always something, and I was right. He had one little defect. He was a major flirt and he liked girls a little too much.
I didn't care though, I had the tiny hope he would laid his eyes on me.
Turns out he did. He literally laid his beautiful green eyes on me. Sadly, it wasn't for the reason I was expecting to be. He was actually helping his best-friend, his best-friend liked me, not him. He'd stare at me, making me believe things that weren't true, only to see if I watched his friend. When I found out the truth and realized that I might liked his friend, it was too late. His friend moved to Brazil.

As far as I know, crushes suck sometimes. At least, for me, it did and it still does. Sometimes it might feel and seem like the entire universe is against you. Guys you don't like, like you and guys you really, really like will see you whereas as a friend or even worse, as a V. I. P. member of his fan club.

Oxford Dictionary has defined the word crush as this: a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable.
I agree with this, it's really brief, sometimes it doesn't even last more than a few days. And sometimes it lasts two years, just like it happened to me. The last part is really interesting, as humans we are designed to like challenges and things that seem impossible. Maybe that's why we never give up, our hopes rarely decrease and we try to find a way to make it possible.

But why do we have these kind of feelings on the first place? Because it's a need. It's a fact that human beings need to be and feel loved, it's part of our nature, of who we are. It is something that can not be changed.
But what we can change, is towards who we direct this feeling. Because as feeling loved is a need, it makes it even hard to let go. We shouldn't be wasting our precious time and our precious feelings towards someone who will never appreciate it.

I learned it, maybe I didn't learn it in the worst way. But someone could learn it that way. That's why we should be preventive and don't let our feelings control our bodies. For this apparent love, we could do things that we will regret later.

I'm not saying you shouldn't open your heart to no one, what I'm trying to say is you shouldn't open it easily.
Because the worst part is to try to mend a heart, your heart. The most special thing we possess.